
SEPEA Elisa Screen 220+ Food Intolerance Test + Candida Albicans IgA/IgG Screen Test

7 450Kč
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Product Description

SEPEA Elisa Screen 220+ Food Intolerance Test

More than 220 foods intolerance test with the following free consultation of the results.

Available option to choose the 25 minutes online or phone review with a food intolerance specialist, Dagmar Rakovická Čanigová.

SEPEA food intolerance tests, free consultation of results

Precise laboratory test that examines your reaction to 220+ foods. Blood sample is analyzed by Elisa laboratory technology. You will find out which foods cause an increased level of IgG antibodies in your blood.

*Available consultation option: 25 min. to SEPEA Elisa Screen 220+ Food Intolerance Test and 20min. to Candida Albicans IgA/IgG Screen Test.

The list of tested foods for this test can be found HERE.

How does it work

1. After purchase we will send you the SEPEA blood collection kit

2. Collect a few drops of blood from your finger in the comfort of your home. See video tutorial HERE (or visit our collection point)

3. Send the collected sample free of charge to us

4. Report within 10 days

5. Book a consultation of results (if ordered)

Unless you have the courage to collect a blood sample yourself, you can call 0918621847 to book a professional blood sample collection at our collection points.

Information about tested foods and general dietary instructions are not meant to replace professional medical care, but they can increase the quality of your life.

More details on blood sample handling please find HERE.

WARNING! The product is a blood collection set. When blood sample is returned to us, it will be tested in the laboratory. For the processing, it is necessary to sign the informed consent to the processing of personal data for the time necessary for the relevant test execution, as well as the consumer's consent to the sample testing. By expressing this consent, the consumer loses the right to withdraw from the contract after the service has been provided. The informed consent is included in the package. The supplier does not recommend retesting earlier than 12 months after the introduction of the diet. The reason is that your body can react more slowly to changes in diet.


Candida Albicans IgA/IgG Screen Test

An accurate laboratory test that examines antibodies to Candida Albicans with the following optional consultation of the results. Total of 25 minutes online or phone review with a food intolerance specialist, Dagmar Rakovická Čanigová.

In this type of testing, the blood sample is analyzed by precise laboratory Elisa technology. It is an accurate laboratory determination of the level of IgA, IgG antibodies from blood serum by a professional laboratory technician.


Candida albicans is a yeast-like fungus that is normally present in the body in small, harmless amounts. Under certain conditions, the overgrowth of this fungus can occur anywhere in the body, but most often in the digestive tract, in the excretory system and/or in the vagina. Overgrowth of Candida albicans is called candidiasis. The fungus grows best in warm, dark conditions and in the presence of sugar. Under these circumstances, Candida albicans transforms from small dormant spores into a branching structure called mycelium with the ability to spread and irritate tissues.


The most frequently observed symptoms are:

Severe bloating and flatulence
Rectal itching
Continuous fatigue
Depression and mood swings
Bad memory
Muscle or joint pain
Headaches and migraines
Oral or vaginal herpes; bladder infammation
Pain in the mouth and a white coating on the tongue
Cracking of the skin in the corners of the mouth
Fungal nail infections and athlete's foot
Red inflamed rashes on the skin, in areas that sweat
General feeling of discomfort
Sweet tooth
Alcohol intolerance
Sensitivity to foods that contain yeasts and molds
Sensitivity to wet weather


Due to the wide range of symptoms, it is not always obvious that candida albicans overgrowth is the problem, so the only way to know is to get tested.

Available tests:

Blood tests are available that measure IgG and IgA antibodies. The advantage of these tests is that a blood sample is taken with only one fingertip capillary, and the results indicate whether the infection occurred in the past, is chronic or current. IgG antibodies indicate current or past candidiasis infection. IgA antibodies can also indicate mucosal infections.

A special SEPEA collection kit will be delivered to you by post. You take the sample according to the attached instructions and send it in the original packaging to the given address. You will receive the test result within 30 days from the day of delivery of the collected sample.

How does it work

1. After purchase we will send you the SEPEA blood collection kit

2. Collect a few drops of blood from your finger in the comfort of your home. See video tutorial HERE (or visit our collection point)

3. Send the collected sample free of charge to us

4. We will send you the results report by email within 30 days

5. Book a free consultation of results (if ordered)

Unless you have the courage to collect a blood sample yourself, you can call 0918621847 to book a professional blood sample collection at our collection points.

More details on blood sample handling please find HERE.

WARNING! The product is a subscription set with the provision of a service. The sample is processed in the laboratory. For the processing, it is necessary to sign the informed consent to the processing of personal data for the time necessary for the relevant test execution, as well as the consumer's consent to the provision of the sample testing service. By expressing this consent, the consumer loses the right to withdraw from the contract after the service has been provided. The informed consent is included in the package. The supplier does not recommend retesting earlier than 12 months after the introduction of the diet. The reason is that your body can react more slowly to changes in diet.




  • 5

    Posted by Jana Kirschnerova on 27.07.2022

    Na výsledky som som čakala 2 týždne, čo je prijateľná doba.

  • 5

    Posted by Anna Bridova on 27.07.2022

    Som rada, že aj na Slovensku je už dostupná možnosť otestovať potravinovú intoleranciu. Pre vytvorenie správneho spôsobu stravovania je dôležité poznať svoju intoleranciu na potraviny. Mali by to rešpektovať aj zdravotné poisťovne s tak znižovať chorobnosť svojich klientov. Propagáciou a preplatením testov by predišli mnohým chronickým ochoreniam a dlhodobému trápeniu bolesťami.

  • 5
    vyborny test

    Posted by bohuslav kremsky on 27.07.2022

    manzelka tento test skusila a skusila postupne selektívne vysadit niektore potraviny na ktore jej vysla najvacsia intolerancia a funguje to. kazda potravinova skupina alebo potravina ma ciselne rozpatie od 0-160 to je super

  • 5
    Potravinový test

    Posted by Denisa on 27.07.2022


  • 5
    Velmi presný intolerancný test,mám s ním skúsenosti uz 5 rokov.Ak zjem nieco z vysokopozitivnych potravín,dostanem svrbivý výsev do 1 dna,alebo do 4-5 dní silne bolesti klbov.

    Posted by MUDr.Emília Mayer Husková on 27.07.2022

    Personál je pri odbere velmi milý,výsledky dostávam za 4 az 12 dní od odberu.

  • 5

    Posted by Andrea Sojková on 27.07.2022

    Výsledky do týždňa

  • 5
    výsledky sa po upravení jedálnička dostavili okamžite.

    Posted by Gabriela Fehérová on 27.07.2022

    Rada by som sa Vám touto cestou ešte raz veľmi pekne poďakovala za trpezlivý a ľudský prístup. Za ochotu a priestor na moje otázky. po obdržaní výsledku testov na potravinovú intoleranciu u dcérky a úprave jedálnička sa nám podarilo dosiahnuť veľké zlepšenie. Cca do 10dní od vysadenia všetkých potravín, ktoré nám vyšli v reporte so zvýšenými a vysokými hodnotami (pri teste 200+ potravín ich bolo 35) jej ekzém po dvoch rokoch trápenia úplne ustúpil. Koža sa jej v mieste krásne bez použitia akýchkoľvek podpornych prostriedkov sama zhojila. Čisto len vysadením problematických potravín. Tušili sme, že mlieko a lepok jej pravdepodobne nevyhovuje hoci po vyšetrení na alergológii k ich vysadeniu nebol dôvod. Po vysadeni týchto dvoch potravín sa nám ekzém stale nedarilo stiahnuť. Nenapadlo ma, že aj také potraviny ako zemiaky, fazuľa, kukurica (súčasť bezlepkových potravín vo forme kukuričného škrobu), sója, vajíčka, kvasnice a ich zastúpenie v mnohých iných potravinách jej môžu k ekzému prispievať. Pri alergologickom vyšetrení nám vyšla jedine alergia na kivi a zvýšený histamín. Tým sme boli vybavení.Testy mi pomohli sa zorientovať v potravinách a nastavení na liečivú stravu. Uvedomujem si, že liečba ekzému zahŕňa komplexné zmeny a cesta k vyliečeniu je veľmi individuálna, no ako som pochopila, na začiatku cesty je nastavenie stravy základ. A u nás sa vysledky po upravení jedálnička na zaklade výsledku testov dostavili okamžite.

  • 5
    Najlepšia investícia do môjho zdravia

    Posted by Dagmar, Bratislava on 30.09.2020

    Tento test osobne považujem za najlepšiu investíciu do svojho zdravia, akú som kedy urobila. Aj keď priznávam, že som bola zo začiatku pri jeho kúpe skeptická, pretože som nevedela, čo mám od testu a samotného výsledku očakávať. Jeho presnosť sa mi ale čoskoro potvrdila: Dlhé roky som bojovala s atopickým ekzémom, ktorý mi do dvoch mesiacov od vysadenia potravín s hraničnými a zvýšenými hodnotami na základe výsledného reportu zmizol. Stačilo iba upraviť stravu na základe tohto výsledku a výsledky sa dostavili. Test SEPEA ELISA SCREEN 200+ odporúčam preto všetkými desiatimi, pretože jeho investícia sa vám v prípade správneho dodržania eliminačnej diéty niekoľkonásobne vráti v podobe lepšieho zdravia.